Harold Lightowler long time member dies Thursday 12th November

Date Published 
Fri 13 Nov 2020

I was informed today by Harold Lightowler’s  partner, that he died peacefully this morning in Dusewsbery hospital with chest complaints aged 86. He was a member of Selby camera club for many years, before moving to Pontefract camera club. C

Can we let the club know, some of the older members will remember him for his humour and knowledge of photography.


Kind regards Brian Hiorns


I remember Harold very well. He came to us from Pontefract if I remember along with Brian Hiorns and another 2 members from Pontefract sometime in the 1980's. He was a lovely guy and and a very good photographer.

Brian, if you can give the time and date and place

of his funeral I would like to go

Alan R

Hi Alan unfotunatley there is a limit on people who can attend His patner and Harolds adopted family make up the lagest part.  I am fotunate to be invited by his patner Sheila Iwill represent our club.

Kind regards Brian Hiorns

Just seen your reply Brian - thank you for being our representative.

He was one of the 'good guys' in this world.......